Tuesday 25 September 2012

5 Days With iPhone 5

Hi everyone, Jack here;

Today marks my fifth day with Apple's newest product to hit the market. Personally, I think five days is more than enough time to make my assumptions and decide if those hours waiting in line were worth it or not. 

Apple's new iPhone 5 in black & slate and white & silver (image credit: Apple.com)

So firstly, some history. For the three years leading up to Friday the 21st of September 2012, I had been using an iPhone 3GS. It had done me very well for those three years: but I was well overdue for an upgrade. The front and back panels were falling apart, the battery rarely lasted more than two hours, it took almost a minute to open Safari (or any app, for that matter), the screen was overwhelmingly scratched, and the camera could barely make out the silhouette of an office tower... But amazingly, it still worked!

Understandably, after the setup process with my new iPhone, I was pleasantly relieved when I could use Safari in less than a second. And I use 'pleasantly' as a big understatement.

I'll give the iPhone 5 a rating out of 10 for the following key aspects; setup, display, battery, speed, and software

On with the show:

Setup: 10/10
There's been a lot of people complaining about iCloud and it's myriad of problems: I didn't encounter any. It was as easy as signing in to my Apple ID and tapping 'Backup from iCloud.' It was all done. All my photos, contacts, messages, apps, settings... Everything was just there. 

All your content and settings from a previous iPhone are restored to your new iPhone in these two screens (image credit: About.com)

Display: 9/10
I was amazed with this display, it really looks like the icons are sitting on top of the screen, rather than under it. There's really nothing more to say other than 'wow.' Now, again, I have been witheld from the retina display for the past three years, so perhaps my analysis of this aspect of iPhone 5 is biased; but if you take away something we're all used to now, you'd really notice the difference. After comparing this screen to my 3GS, there really was no competition. 
Apple's Retina Display offers clear, sharp, and precise image and resolutions (image credit: RS Web Solutions)

Battery: 6/10
Unfortunately, I believe the battery is the ultimate downfall of iPhone 5. LTE and all the different system services definitely drain this battery. I can just manage a day on the battery; by the time I go to bed, it's at 5%. 
The battery (I believe) is the ultimate drawback of iPhone 5 (image credit: ultrasn0w.ca)

Speed: 9/10
Just like the display, I am partially biased with this component of iPhone 5; however, even when comparing 5 to 4S, it's possible to feel how much faster it is. LTE is astonishingly fast, so much so that I found myself complaining about the slow network when LTE was unavailable in my location and it fell back to 3G.
LTE (Long Term Evolution) offers super-fast cellular networking with (theoretical) speeds up to 40Mbps (image credit: GottaBeMobile)

Software: 7/10
iOS has proven to be one of Apple's major successes. Released in 2007, it's proven to outperform many other mobile OSs: until recently. It's been over 5 years, and the aesthetics have remained largely unchanged. It's still the same grid of icons (albeit with another row added) and the system apps are the same as they were in 2007. Personally, I think iOS is beginning to show it's age. Other than aging, it's a great OS, the App Store is really the pulling point of iOS and without that, I think it's unlikely that iOS would still be as popular as it is. 
Apple's iOS 6 is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (image credit: Engadget)

Overall score: 41/50 or 82%

So, to answer the ultimate question: yes, I think it was worth waiting in line for hours to get my hands on one. But Apple had best make the iPhone 6 one amazing phone for me to do it again.

BONUS: iPhone 5's new trailer by Apple:

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